2020-05-12 12:20:16 来源:联合国 责任编辑:陈玮联合国秘书长古特雷斯当地时间8日呼吁全球共同阻止与新冠肺炎疫情有关的仇恨言论,呼吁政治领袖、教育机构、媒体和社会承担起各自责任,阻止与新冠肺炎疫情有关的仇恨言论。 联合国秘书长 安东尼奥·古特雷斯 应对和抗击疫情之下仇恨言论的全球呼吁 双语版原文如下 2019冠状病毒病不在乎我们是谁,我们住在哪里,我们相信什么,也不在乎我们在任何其他方面的区别。为共同抗击这一病毒,我们所需的团结丝毫不可少。然而,这场大流行病却在继续引发仇恨和仇外、制造替罪羊以及散布恐慌的海啸。 COVID-19 does not care who we are, where we live, what we believe or about any other distinction. We need every ounce of solidarity to tackle it together. Yet the pandemic continues to unleash a tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating and scare-mongering. 联合国图片丨穿着“团结起来反对仇恨”T恤的孩子们 网上和街头的排外情绪高涨。反犹太的阴谋论已在泛滥,与2019冠状病毒病有关的反穆斯林袭击事件也时有发生。移民和难民被污蔑为病毒的源头之一,然后又受阻拒而无法获得治疗。 Anti-foreigner sentiment has surged online and in the streets. Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have spread, and COVID-19-related anti-Muslim attacks have occurred. Migrants and refugees have been vilified as a source of the virus-- and then denied access to medical treatment. Giles Clarke丨纽约市一家医院的医护人员要求进行更好的防护 对属于最脆弱群体的老年人,现在竟出现一种令人不齿的社会模因,即认为老年人是最可被牺牲掉的群体。还有一些记者、举报人、卫生专业人员、援助人员和人权捍卫者因尽职尽责而成为攻击目标。 With older persons among the most vulnerable, contemptible memes have emerged suggesting they are also the most expendable. And journalists, whistleblowers, health professionals, aid workers and human rights defenders are being targeted simply for doing their jobs. 儿基会图片丨来自西雅图的索菲亚在社交媒体上分享“不是敌人”的自拍照 现在我们必须采取行动,加强我们社会对仇恨这一病毒的免疫力。正因如此,我今天要呼吁全力以赴制止全球范围内的仇恨言论。我呼吁政治领导人声援其社会的所有成员,建立并加强社会凝聚力。 We must act now to strengthen the immunity of our societies against the virus of hate. That’s why I’m appealing today for an all-out effort to end hate speech globally. I call on political leaders to show solidarity with all members of their societiesand build and reinforce social cohesion. 儿基会图片丨来自西班牙的克拉拉绘制插画,污名化只会影响防疫工作的开展 如今数以十亿计的青年在线,而且极端分子正千方百计捕猎那些被困且可能处于绝望之中的受众,在这样的情况下,我呼吁教育机构要集中力量解决数字素养问题。 I call oneducational institutions to focus on digital literacyat a time when billions of young people are online – and when extremists are seeking to prey on captive and potentially despairing audiences. Unsplash/ Priscilla du Preez丨政府和互联网公司未能应对在线仇恨的挑战 我呼吁媒体,特别是社交媒体公司加大力度,采取更多措施警示并依照国际人权法清除种族主义的、厌恶女性的和其他有害内容。 I call on the media, especially social media companies, to do much more to flag and, in line with international human rights law, remove racist, misogynist and other harmful content. 儿基会图片丨来自印度的12岁女孩卡尼妮卡绘制的画作,呼吁杜绝歧视,团结抗疫 我呼吁民间社会加强对弱势群体的主动宣传联络,并呼吁宗教行为者成为相互尊重的楷模。 I call on civil societyto strengthen outreach to vulnerable people, and religious actorsto serve as models of mutual respect. 我要请所有的地方所有的人都起来反对仇恨,有尊严地彼此相待,抓住每一个机会传播善意。 And I ask everyone, everywhere, to stand up against hate, treat each other with dignity and take every opportunity to spread kindness. Giles Clarke丨纽约市一家医院的医护人员要求进行更好的防护 去年,我启动了《联合国消除仇恨言论战略和行动计划》,旨在加强联合国消除仇恨言论这一祸害的努力。在我们抗击目前大流行病的同时,我们也有责任保护人民,制止污名化,防止暴力。 Last year, I launchedthe United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speechto enhance United Nations efforts against this scourge. As we combat this pandemic, we have a duty to protect people, end stigma and prevent violence. 让我们同心协力,战胜仇恨言论,战胜2019冠状病毒病。 Let’s defeat hate speech – and COVID-19 - together. (编辑 杨晓晗) |